Online Courses

Spreadsheet for Planning, Forecasting & Budgeting (Advanced Excel)

Planning, Forecasting & Budgeting are 3 of the most important functions in business. Performed properly they can lead to exceptional success. Yet many people do not use the tools available to them to their best advantage. In this course, we will leverage the power of Excel to demonstrate how to improve your forecasting, planning, and budgeting. By developing better spreadsheets & models, planning is more accurate, forecasting is more precise & budgeting is more attainable. And the time to develop these is dramatically reduced.

Forecasts, plans, and budgets may be improved through extensive what-if analysis to find key factors for management to monitor. Furthermore, these tools can be easily transferred into business plans which provide the guide to the overall performance of the firm.

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A thorough hold of the principles of financial analysis is a key competency needed for the effective management of a business. This program goes far beyond the typical financial analysis program. It uses both the principles of analysis and the power of Excel to identify the strategic drivers that can dramatically enhance the shareholder value of your organization.


Finance and Accounting Courses

The cost of employees in terms of salaries and other benefits is among the largest costs in any company besides the cost of goods sold (cost of sales) and rent and consumption.

If you work in a production company and this cost is part of the cost of the goods sold or part of the operating costs it has a dual effect on you. Addressing and reporting these costs correctly is the key to analysis and decision-making

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Professional Accounting

Accounting and finance principles, policies, and procedures are the most efficient way to implement company-wide effective internal control tools in any organization. They are part of every business cycle: purchase and payment cycle, inventory and production, HR and payroll, fixed assets and capitalization of costs, and the sales and collection cycle. On top of that, accounting and finance policies and procedures are essential for the board of directors and senior management to communicate limitations and authorities given to different managers and employees throughout the organization. Moreover, their use is also extended to organize financial reporting and compliance with regulators outside the organization.

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Accounting and finance principles, policies, and procedures are the most efficient way to implement company-wide effective internal control tools in any organization. They are part of every business cycle: purchase and payment cycle, inventory and production, HR and payroll, fixed assets and capitalization of costs, and the sales and collection cycle. On top of that, accounting and finance policies and procedures are essential for the board of directors and senior management to communicate limitations and authorities given to different managers and employees throughout the organization. Moreover, their use is also extended to organize financial reporting and compliance with regulators outside the organization.


Project Management for Contract Professionals

The overall aim of this course is to provide participants with the knowledge and skills needed to successfully manage a project executed by contractors throughout its life cycle from initial concept to delivery.

Participants in this interactive course will learn all the critical tools required to perform project plans and develop project budgets as well as techniques needed to communicate and manage contractors during the implementation phase.

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Achieving customer service excellence is not accomplished by accident, nor is it attained without effort and teamwork. It requires well–trained customer service professionals who have a passion for providing quality service. Providing customer service excellence gives an organization a competitive advantage in the marketplace and is the key factor that keeps customers coming back. Delegates will learn best practices of world-class customer service providers to develop a customer-focused mindset for continuous improvement.

In today’s customer-oriented business environment, interpersonal skills are a critical component for promoting customer satisfaction and organizational success. Providing world-class customer service requires a unique combination of effective communication strategies, persuasion techniques, and conflict resolution skills. This highly-interactive customer service training course gives delegates the tools, resources, and confidence they need to enhance customer relationships and promote customer service excellence within their organization.


Certified Big Data and Data Analytics Practitioner

Big data is a change agent that challenges the ways in which organizational leaders have traditionally made decisions. This course provides participants with the confidence to articulate big data architectures to support analytics driven solutions within their organizations. This course provides hands on experience with key big data technologies used to solve data intensive problems. Participants will gain the knowledge and skills they need to assemble and manage a large-scale big data analytics project. Lastly, participants will receive a conceptual introduction to the data structures that support machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence use cases.

Participants will work to identify areas within their organization that can be improved through big data-driven implementations, and the types of improvements that can be made through analytical processes. Participants will be led through a series of hands-on exercises and workshops, where they will have the chance to apply the test methods and practical approaches that they are learning throughout the course. At the end of the course, participants will produce an actionable big data plan and architectural diagram to be used as a blueprint proposal within their own organization.

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Rotating Equipment Optimisation with Continuous Reliability Improvement

Benchmarking studies on various oil refineries around the world have shown that rotating equipment accounts for more than 20% of all maintenance and inspection costs. Also, rotating equipment is often at key nodes of the process and is frequently critical to production. Therefore failure would lead to unacceptable downtime costs.

This program aims to provide delegates with a comprehensive understanding of how to use a combined predictive and preventive maintenance approach coupled with proper failure monitoring to achieve maximum reliability and performance from rotating equipment

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Quis voluptatem ad dolores corporis minus eaque sed possimus deserunt voluptate dolores iure corrupti enim et facere suscipit dolor occaecati voluptatibus nihil inventore dicta voluptates aut sit aliquam possimus consectetur id vero ut ea inventore natus est qui ad sed ab corrupti modi nam sed voluptatum explicabo dolorum voluptatem.

Ut et reprehenderit eveniet magni quisquam est sint fuga dolorem quia et sit sint et ad iure cupiditate numquam quasi est quisquam cum aspernatur id totam expedita consequatur quis ullam est aut repellendus aperiam adipisci ex odit dolor quod maxime ex veniam ipsa laudantium qui omnis blanditiis.