Negotiation Skills, Persuasion and Influence

We all operate in an increasingly complex commercial and professional environment that requires us to negotiate daily not only with customers, clients, suppliers, and contractors, but also with managers, fellow employees and colleagues within our organization.

This course designed to explain the negotiation process in detail and demonstrate how to use it effectively, giving delegates the negotiation skills and strategies they need to succeed in today’s challenging commercial environment.

Course Objectives:
At the end of this course the participants will be able to:

Have a deep understanding of the key analysis of the negotiation process and how to influence others to get more of what you need and want
Have developed a range of highly effective negotiating skills and strategies that can be used in a range of situation
Analyze, plan and prepare for every negotiation
Understand the benefits of controlling and reading body language when influencing others
Become a more effective and confident negotiator
Enhance an essential operational, management and leadership skill that will increase your performance daily
Improve their effectiveness in negotiations by understanding key negotiation strategies and how to apply them in practice
Understand how to make the most of your natural negotiation style
Develop the skills to influence people more effectively and to control the negotiation table
Gain the essential tools and knowledge to plan and manage a range of negotiation scenarios
Enhance their ability to add value through the negotiation process
Understand different behaviors and attitudes related to different cultures and how to turn them in their favor

Course Content:

Day 1: Introduction to Negotiation – The Starting Point for Improvement:
Thinking outside the box
Positivity & Negativity and its affect on negotiation
Acquiring a positive attitude to the negotiation process
Proposal format – simple, focused & logical
Placing yourself above the competition with your proposal
The psychology the negotiation – Knowing your opponents driving force
The feel-good factor
Questioning & listening techniques

Day 2 : Interests, Planning and Understanding Body Language:
Wants and needs – the importance of identifying needs
Emotional intelligence and its role in the negotiation
The importance of body language and non-verbal behavior
What is body language and how do we accurately read it?
Understanding thoughts from body language
How to use your own body language to negotiate more effectively
Resolving disputes – learning to meditate to create better deals
Techniques of the mediator – practical mediation skills to help resolve disputes

Day 3: Developing a Strategic Approach to Negotiation:
A strategic approach to negotiation – Distributive negotiation strategies
BATNA, Zone of Possible Agreement
Openings, anchors, offers and counteroffers
A strategic approach to negotiation – Integrative negotiation strategies
Sharing information, diagnostic questions & unbundling issues
Package deals, multiple offers and post-settlement settlements
Knowing and maintaining your sources of negotiation power
Sales negotiation behavior – a practical approach

Day 4: Understanding Behavioural Style to Negotiate Better:
Knowing and understanding your behavioral style – keys to how you negotiate
Negotiation Style Assessment
Approaches to negotiation
The ‘win-win’ and why it is misunderstood
The two distinct approaches to negotiation
Communication style and the negotiation process
Adapting to different communication styles
Negotiation and ethics

Day 5: Negotiating with Different Nationalities and Cultures:
Face to face negotiation – dealing with different cultures
British & American
Japanese & Chinese
French & German
Advice for cross-cultural negotiators
International team negotiation exercise
Putting negotiation techniques into practice – putting a deal together

Targeted Competencies:
Negotiating and Influencing others
Planning and preparing for negotiations
Rapport building
Building trust
Building consensus and cooperation